What to look for in an office chair

When planning your next workplace fit out, never underestimate the importance of office seating. In a world where office workers spend 75% of their time sitting down, it’s actually quite scary to think about the detrimental impact this could have on physical and mental wellbeing. A poor office set up can lead to bad posture, repetitive strain injury and backaches, so without factoring in the all important aspect of comfort, you’re going to end up with some very disgruntled and fatigued employees. Business owners are constantly looking for new ways to optimise workplace productivity, and selecting the right office seating could do wonders.

Make sure your office chair is certified

First things first, is your office chair certified? Although some designs may look pretty, they could contribute to one heck of a back ache if you’re not careful. Look for office chairs that are both well-made and safe, meeting all relevant legislations and British Standards. Business owners have health and safety responsibilities to provide employees with a comfortable working environment, so always keep an eye out for the ignitability label and don’t forget to check the product details and specifications! If there’s anything you’re unsure about, you should always enquire before letting staff take a seat. 

Office furniture that strives for optimum comfort

Comfort should always come before aesthetics, especially when considering that workers spend the majority of their time sitting down at their office desk. Many people are unaware of the truth behind a poor office set up, with uncomfortable office seating promoting a whole variety of issues. When you choose the right office chair, you can actually help with back pain at work - a widespread problem that’s becoming all too common nowadays. We’ve previously looked into the different types of office seating and their benefits, and the key is to opt for adjustable ergonomic office furniture that allows workers to keep their backs nice and straight. Some good features to look out for are head and neck support, along with back tilts, locked positions for long periods of seating, and high back support, all of which contribute to maintaining a healthy distance from the monitor, whilst keeping staff as comfortable as possible. 

The perks of multifunctional office seating

Being able to manoeuvre comfortably and to easily adapt between varying office tasks is another key factor to look for, and you need not look any further than multifunctional furniture. With plenty of designs to choose from to suit any situation, from office armchairs to office sofas, they all offer effortless portability to make office life that bit easier. Another perk is that you can really get creative with colour and material options to begin matching up to your perfect office aesthetic, which is certainly one way to capture your clients’ attention. 

If you’re looking for any advice on selecting office chairs to suit your dream aesthetic, our team of friendly furniture professionals are here to help. With plenty of designs and styles to choose from, you’ll be spoilt for choice! Give us a call today.