How to keep cool at work

Summer is every British person’s favourite time of year. There’s nothing that is loved more than pulling out a dusty pair of shorts that’s seen the back of the wardrobe for the past 10 months and braving showing some leg. The days are longer and brighter, with the thought of ‘beergarden weather’ giving everyone something to look forward to. 

...Until the real effects of a July heatwave kick in. Cue the complaints. 

Research has shown that temperatures creeping higher can cause both physical and mental stress, including headaches, nausea, as well as lower concentration and productivity. Being a country that doesn’t get to whip the shades out all too often, this can be a big shock to the system. 

So, as the heat goes up, how can you cool your office down? 

Keeping it fresh

Known to reduce irritability and fatigue, the desk fan will be your new best friend during these melting summer months. Gadgets such as this are designed to optimise air circulation, alongside keeping staff feeling fresh and alert, which will be a brilliant addition to your office desk. 

For those that battle pesky seasonal allergies, experts have suggested that keeping windows and blinds closed can reduce the troublesome effects. There are also other advantages; the sun’s heat is reflected and uncomfortable hot air is kept out of the office. If you’re looking for another way to improve your office’s air quality, we recommend keeping doors open where you can, as well as investing in an air purifier. Carrying several benefits, such as reducing the occurrence of health issues caused by indoor pollutants, it’s a great way to keep your office feeling fresh as a daisy. 

Take a breather

If you’re starting to melt away at your desk, pick yourself up and take a step outside to welcome back concentration. It’s not every day that you get to experience the gentle breeze on your face without the inevitable show of raindrops, so switch up your surroundings when you can with an ice cream in hand. 

With the hottest hours falling between 11am and 3pm, consider rejigging your schedule to have your important meetings first thing, leaving time at the end of the day to relax outside with colleagues. 

Stock up on the summer snacks

Looking for more ways to keep cool at work, whilst keeping those energy levels up? Head on back to your old friend, the snacking station, or in this case, the freezer. Ice cream is a common favourite amongst all office employees, so definitely make sure you’re keeping these energy boosters replenished. 

If you really want to push the boat out, become the office favourite by unleashing your inner chef. There are plenty of other healthy, refreshing and easy-to-follow summer snack recipes to experiment with. Perhaps try changing it up with some Mango Lassi, frozen berries or banana pops

Adapt your office wardrobe

Switching out bulky clothing items for natural, breathable fabrics is another hack for staying cool in a hot office. Artificial fabrics, such as polyester, are known to increase sweat due to their heaviness, so to avoid those embarrassing underarm patches, stick to something lighter. 

If you’re a suit-wearer and still want a professional look without succumbing to the heat, opt for jackets made of wool without lining. This unsung hero of the material world is known to be both lightweight, highly absorbent and a fast dryer too. Perfect for the summer sweats. 

Armed with these simple, yet effective, tips and tricks, your office will be left feeling cool as ice. From revitalizing snacks to handy gadgets, there are plenty of ways for you to freshen up your space during a heat wave, ensuring that staff energy levels remain at an all time high. So go out and enjoy the summer while it lasts!