How to delegate properly (and why you should)

Delegating tasks is an important part of managing a team, and it’s a vital skill that all leaders should possess. Choosing staff members to take over certain projects will help to lighten the team leader’s work load, and it will also provide valuable workplace experience to employees.

What are the barriers to delegation?

We’ve probably all been in a situation where we think that we can do a better job than someone else. Whether that was in a school group assignment or watching someone perform badly on a game show, we’re all guilty of it. When it comes to the workplace, this attitude shouldn’t exist, but unfortunately it does. These barriers can come from both employers and employees.

The barriers to task delegation from an employer

  • Thinking that you can do a better job
  • Believing that your staff are not capable
  • Feeling jealous if employees do a good job
  • Wanting to retain power

The barriers of task delegation from staff

  • Not wanting additional responsibilities
  • Lack of incentives for undertaking the task
  • The fear of doing a poor job

How can delegation barriers be overcome?

On both the side of the employer and the employee, everyone needs to understand the need and the importance of task delegation. If an employer feels that their staff are not capable of doing certain tasks, providing training is the answer. Otherwise, have a little faith in them and see how they get on. Instilling confidence in staff can boost all areas of their work, and can rule out their resistance against task delegation. Lastly, put a strong process in place, one that every employee understands, which will make handing out projects quick and simple.

Why you should delegate tasks to staff 

As a leader, it is your responsibility to hand tasks over to your staff. Doing everything yourself can lead to immense burnout and will inevitably mean that business activities take longer to complete. Ensure that your company is quick and efficient at getting tasks ticked off through successful delegation. 

As your staff is there to help with the workload, delegating tasks shouldn’t feel off putting. Not to mention it is often a great opportunity for your employees to progress and to develop in their own career. But how exactly do you go about handing out these tasks?

How to delegate tasks to employees

Delegating tasks can seem simple, but if you’re new to a leadership role, or if you feel uncomfortable giving out tasks, then putting a process in place can make it a lot easier. 

1. Have a clear task

First of all, having clear guidelines, terms, or at least an outline of the task is needed to get started. If you’re unsure on the task, it’s very likely that your team isn’t going to understand it either. 

2. Pick the right person

Sometimes, you’ll know instantly who is right for the task and that they’ll be able to do it successfully. However, keep in mind that others may also have those capabilities if you give them the opportunity. Put together a list of staff, and their current workload, and then narrow it down. 

3. Set a deadline 

Deadlines play a central role in project organisation and can help to set milestones for bigger tasks - this ensures that they will be finished on time. It’s also important that your employees know how long they have to do the task you’ve given them - they shouldn’t be working towards something aimlessly. Set specific deadlines to ensure the job gets done. 

4. Sit down and discuss it 

Set up a face-to-face meeting with your team and run through each task and who will be undertaking it. This makes sure that everyone understands, and if they have any questions, then these can be ironed out immediately before the task is started. 

Maybe you want to spruce up your office for your task delegation meetings? In that case, we have a great selection of conference room tables and chairs to ensure a comfortable meeting space. Otherwise, our team is more than happy to advise on any other furniture solutions. Contact us today.